Combining insights & analytics to deepen customer understanding
Combining insights & analytics to deepen customer understanding
06 Dec 2021

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What is the current scenario within the Market Research world? We spoke with Christian Kurz about his role as SVP, Global Streaming & Corporate Insights at Viacom CBS, the challenges market researchers will face now and beyond, and how he uses analytics and insights to understand consumers in this pivotal moment.
Table Of Contents
Joining analytics & insights together
Unifying these two practices can be both a dream and a nightmare. Christian shares the outcomes he experienced by doing it.
The role of AI
Artificial intelligence can play an essential role in Marketing Research. But how much should one rely on it?
Challenges of post-pandemic
In many ways, the world as we know it has changed. Christian explains how certain methodologies adopted during the pandemic will remain and others will not.
Diversity & inclusion in market research
The world is diverse, and market research should reflect that. Christian explores how his team is considering diversity and inclusion in the day-to-day job.
Strategies of talent retainment
Retaining talent could be more challenging than attracting. See how the leadership at Viacom CBS addresses this issue after experiencing a period of resignation increase.
Advice for the future
Fail fast, often, and quickly! Valuable pieces of advice from the younger Christian Cruz to himself are shared with you here.
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