Diana Cabrices, on the three C's for financial advisors to build their brand

Diana Cabrices, on the three C's for financial advisors to build their brand

Diana CabricesDiana CabricesFounder & Fractional Chief Evangelist at Diana Cabrices Consulting

It took me 15 years of passionate selling and 6 years of pitching technology to financial advisors to figure it out.

"How much can I pay you to do THAT for my company?" is the recurring question that finally led me to my "aha" moment.

Dozens of stages, hundreds of webinars, and a handful of piqued CEOs later, I realized I had a gift. I had something wealthtech companies wanted. A magnetism and voice they really needed.

I was — and am — the company evangelist they dreamed of representing their brand.

What's an evangelist? She's your charismatic torchbearer that shines light on the problem your company solves, not just the product you sell. She's your number one demo queen, turning heads with her highly-dynamic stage personality, converting your audiences into your ambassadors by leaving ever-lasting impressions.

Hi, I'm Diana, founder of Diana Cabrices Consulting, and the industry's first Fractional Chief Evangelist.

I've spent my entire career generating millions of dollars in company revenue and enterprise value via brand evangelism.

In my most recent engagement, where I was second to the CEO in presenting all over the country, I helped 10x recurring revenue in 3 short years.

From the new-tech-in-town to advisor-tech-staple, my strategies helped skyrocket our company’s growth. Evangelizing our brand meant grabbing our company by the horns and making it my number one mission to show up everywhere.

More formally, I’ve led the charge on varying company functions over the course of my wealthtech career: SMB, mid-market, and enterprise sales, key relationship management, strategic and channel partnerships, and customer success and engagement.

My experience spans the advisor tech gamut, representing technology companies designed to help financial advisors with recruiting, succession planning, M&A, small business benefits, community, marketing, branding, and more.

My MO? Putting emotional connection at the forefront of all that I do, ensuring every single customer, partner, and employee feels GOOD when they engage with a brand.

Some say that’s tiring, I say “outsource it to me”.

Because as a latina, female founder and expert communicator, I’m probably one of the most ambitious and unforgettable business women you’ll ever meet.

So if you wish you had more time back in your own day to be the best CEO your company needs, while keeping your board and sales team happy, and reaching your growth goals faster, you've come to the right place.

Want to know how I can help YOU?

Visit www.dianacabrices.com.


Diana Cabrices, Founder & Fractional Chief Evangelist, Diana Cabrices Consulting discusses why it's important to have one foot in the digital, and one in the physical world when it comes to marketing yourself as a financial advisor, and ultimately why it is still a human business.

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