Emergency Caesarean Section: Indication and Timing

Emergency Caesarean Section: Indication and Timing

24 Oct 2040|Healthcare
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Jon HyettJon HyettHead of High Risk Obstetrics at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Professor Jon Hyett is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Western Sydney University, Sydney and a Clinical Academic Specialist in Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine based at Liverpool Hospital, South Western Sydney Local Health District. He leads the Academic Obstetric Research Group, based at the Ingham Institute.
Professor Hyett’s main academic interests are the prediction and prevention of adverse obstetric outcomes. This includes recognition of modifiable risk factors associated with our health care system and examining how organisational change can facilitate strategies for risk mitigation. Much of this work has focused around two time points; at 12 weeks – allowing early identification of high risk pregnancies, and at 36 weeks, focusing on potential adverse events in the intrapartum period. Jon is a trustee of the Fetal Medicine Foundation and of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and a member (and past chair) of the RANZCOG committee managing training and quality assurance for first trimester ultrasound.

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