Danny Preiskel has been independently recognised as one of Europe's leading telecoms and technology lawyers since 1998. The law firm he co-founded provides strategic as well as legal commercial, corporate and regulatory advice.
Danny was Vice Chair of the International Bar Association Communications Law Committee. Preiskel & Co is a member of various industry bodies such as: Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF), (ISP Association) ISPA, ITSPA, FCS and the Italian, German and Spanish Chambers of Commerce.
Preiskel & Co is also member of the Lexing Law network of international law firms specialized in providing cross-border data protection, privacy and security legal advice.
Clients range from major multinationals to owner managed businesses as well as start ups. His firm is particularly strong on social media legal issues, online gaming, as well as its mainstream technology and telecoms focus, having been voted UK Telecoms Law Firm of 2011.
Danny speaks seven languages and has an international team that advises clients across the globe from various industry sectors.
Specialties: Commercial and regulatory legal advisory services, with particular expertise in the Telecoms, Media & Technology sectors