How much influence do influencers really have?
How much influence do influencers really have?
11 Jan 2023

With the rise of social media has come the rise of content creators and 'influencers', so-called because they have cultivated a large and receptive audience. Marketers have jumped on this opportunity, but how effective really are brand endorsements and partnerships with influencers?
Jason Falls, Senior Influence Strategist at Cornett explores the future of influencer involvement with brands.
Table Of Contents
The relationship between brands and influencers
Find out why Falls puts value on long-term relationships between influencers and brands, rather than one-off endorsements
Red flags and green flags when finding influencers
Discover what to look for and what to watch out for when your business is scouting for influencers to partner with.
How to get involved as an influencer
Learn about the value exchange between influencers and businesses, and specifically what influencers should be prepared to offer.
Can user-generated content and paid ads coexist?
Falls shares the positive impact influencer content creation has created for the wider world of advertising.
The future of advertising
Learn why Falls believes influencer marketing not only has a future but is the future.
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