How Seattle became a leader in sustainable building
How Seattle became a leader in sustainable building

In the late 1990s, the city of Seattle began its journey to become one of an elite number of sustainably developing cities in the United States by focusing on sustainable construction. Lucia Athens led the city's green build initiative from the beginning. She spoke to Streamly about how she helped implement Seattle's first policies and pioneered the use of LEED tools for sustainable development.
Table Of Contents
The opportunity to be more sustainable
See how Lucia Athens's role was essential in helping Seatle create its first green building policy. Check out how everything started.
A reason to be proud
In this chapter, Athens explains how Seattle's first policies motivated healthy competition to push green development forward.
Building an emerald city
Find out why Lucia Athens was inspired to write a book about her time as head of Seattle's green development initiative.
The challenges ahead
There is still a lot to be achieved in terms of equal access to the benefits
of sustainable development. See what Athens thinks about these challenges.
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