In-house Considerations: Practical Tips for Managing Claims

In-house Considerations: Practical Tips for Managing Claims

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Robert BäuerleRobert BäuerleSenior Legal Counsel at Deutsche Bahn AG

Robert is Senior Legal Counsel in the highly specialized competition litigation unit within the Group Legal Department at Deutsche Bahn AG in charge of the defense and enforcement of damage claims resulting from antitrust violations. The unit is currently pursuing more than 20 cartel damage claims. Ten claims are being litigated in court in six different jurisdictions.

Prior to joining Deutsche Bahn’s competition litigation team in 2015, Robert worked for several years at international law firms in Brussels and Berlin in the fields of competition and State aid law. Robert studied at Freie Universität Berlin, Stockholm Universitet and King’s College London and is a German qualified lawyer admitted to the Berlin Bar.

J. Nicolás Otegui NietoJ. Nicolás Otegui NietoSenior Legal Counsel at Tetra Pak

J. Nicolás is Senior Competition Counsel at the Tetra Pak Group in Brussels, which he joined in 2023 and where he supports the global operations of the group from an antitrust perspective. He advises strategically in all antitrust-related aspects with a focus in projects involving verticals and distribution, high exposure matters and investigations, technology licensing and IPRs, automation (AI), and financing. Prior to that, J. Nicolás was Senior Competition Counsel at the Holcim group in Switzerland and former Competition Law Associate at Osborne Clarke and also at Ramón y Cajal Abogados in Madrid. He also is a member of the In House Competition Lawyers' Association (ICLA) and co-founder of its Spanish Chapter. J. Nicolás also lectures EU competition law at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid at the International Trade Master's program.

Dorothy Hansberry-BiegunskaDorothy Hansberry-BiegunskaPartner at Hansberry Tomkiel

Ms. Hansberry-Bieguńska is a partner in the Hansberry Tomkiel firm. She and Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, a former Chairman of the Polish Competition Authority, founded Hansberry Tomkiel, Previously, she worked as a senior trial attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice's Antitrust Division as well as an advisor to competition authorities in Eastern and Central Europe. She was the general counsel of UPC Poland and went on to manage another Polish media company.

Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska has overlooked damage actions in Poland from the plaintiff as well as the defence sides. Moreover, she has brought her experience to defending clients in cartel matters, including building Article 101(3) TFEU defences.

Ms. Hansberry-Bieguńska has been widely recognized internationally and nationally by Who's Who of Competition Lawyers, Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, PLC Which Lawyer, and Global Competition

With regard to her involvement in organizations outside the firm, Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska served as the Chairman of the Irish Polish Chamber of Commerce for five years and continues to be involved the Irish business community as a Board member.

In May 2019, the US Ambassador appointed Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska to join the Board of Directors of the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission. In her appointment letter, the Ambassador wrote, “With your background in U.S. and Polish legal issues, your interest in U.S.-Polish educational exchange, and your extensive experience living in Poland, I believe you are well positioned to help the Commission continue to grow strategically as one of the premier Fulbright programs in the world.”

In May 2022, the current US Ambassador, Mark Francis Brzezinski, renewed Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska’s term for an additional three years.

Gus SellittoGus SellittoFounder at Byfield Reputation Counsel

Gus is a leading litigation, legal and crisis PR expert with over 25 years’ experience managing litigation PR in high profile and highly sensitive commercial, civil and criminal litigation, regulatory investigations, public inquiries, class and group actions and white-collar crime claims.

Gus has led on the PR aspects in a number of major class actions including the first shareholder actions in the Volkswagen dieselgate claim and against Tesco for accounting irregularities. He has worked with representative groups in building class actions through PR campaigns across Europe and internationally and also represents defendants facing class actions.

Gus is Chambers ranked as a leading individual for Litigation Communications.

Luke AingerLuke AingerHead of Competition Law at Royal Mail

Luke Ainger is Head of Competition law at Royal Mail. His work includes Royal Mail’s successful damages claim against DAF trucks, which is currently before the Court of Appeal, and Whistl’s recent Chapter II claim against Royal Mail regarding its 2014 access price change notices. He has also advised on Royal Mail’s defence of the Preventx Chapter II injunction application in relation to parcel return services, as well as a range of other competition law and regulatory matters, including Ofcom’s recent call for inputs on USO reform.

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