Integrating virtual care into services – lessons learnt

Integrating virtual care into services – lessons learnt

07 Mar 2024|Healthcare
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Ms Jen WilsonMs Jen WilsonPrincipal Policy Officer, Virtual Care Unit at NSW Ministry of Health

Jen Wilson is the Principal Policy Officer for Virtual Care at the NSW Ministry of Health. She is part of the team driving a coordinated approach to embedding virtual care across the NSW health system, working closely with invested stakeholders to deliver parts of the Virtual Care Strategy and Implementation Plan. Jen has worked in a diverse range of positions across various frontline health services. These include: Medico Legal, Electronic Medical Record development, data management and operational frontline service management. After 10 years in various Local Health District roles, she moved into the NSW Ministry of Health working in performance analytics, clinical forecasts and projections and the State Health Emergency Operation Centre for COVID-19. Jen is a Health Information Manager with over 19 years experience across the NSW Health system.

Ms Susan MasseyMs Susan MasseySenior Policy Officer, Virtual Care Unit at NSW Ministry of Health

Sue Massey is a Senior Policy Officer for Virtual Care at the NSW Ministry of Health. She is part of the team driving a coordinated approach to embedding virtual care across the NSW health system, working closely with invested stakeholders to deliver parts of the Virtual Care Strategy and Implementation Plan. Sue has considerable experience in project management and clinical redesign in Local Health Districts, leading multiple complex health initiatives since 2016. In her current role in the Virtual Care Unit, Sue is passionate about supporting services understand the benefits of embedding and integrating virtual care to promote safe, reliable and equitable access to care. With a lengthy background as a Registered Nurse in Intensive Care, Burns, Emergency Medicine, regional community outreach care and mental health, Sue brings diverse clinical subject matter experience to implementing the Virtual Care Strategy across NSW.

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• An overview of the NSW Virtual Care Strategy (2021-2026) and overarching outcomes • Background overview of the Virtual Hospital in the Home initiative, the measures for success and governance • Key identifiable lessons learnt for successful implementation, including foundations for sustaining and scaling the initiative

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