Materials You Can Eat: Buildings to Nourish People and Planet

Materials You Can Eat: Buildings to Nourish People and Planet

12 Nov 2024|Greenbuild 2024
Greenbuild '24 On Demand to watch the full video
James KitchinJames KitchinDirector of Performance & Provenance at MASS Design Group

James has a background in structural and civil engineering and deep expertise in designing with healthy, natural, and non-conventional materials. He has also led research and policy change around building materials and embodied carbon. James strives to minimise the footprint of the built environment through intimate knowledge of place and process, and to maximise the maker's handprint through collaboration. As lead of the Performance & Provenance department at MASS, he is committed to imagining, advocating and implementing regenerative practices.

Lisa MoreyLisa MoreyFounder at Colorado Earth

Lisa is Owner and Founder of Colorado Earth. We manufacture natural building products using overburden material from our quarries. Lisa is a professional engineer and architectural designer with over 20 years of experience in design and construction.

Lisa is currently working with NREL as part of the West Gate program to deepen our understanding of thermal mass and phase change materials in various climates. She is dedicated to the promotion and realization of natural building.

Jacob Deva RacusinJacob Deva RacusinDirector of Building Science and Sustainability at New Frameworks

Jacob Deva Racusin is Director of Building Science and Sustainability with New Frameworks, Vermont-based worker-owned cooperative. As a consultant, designer, and educator, Jacob merges his passions for ecological stewardship, relationship to place, and social justice. Jacob is an Embodied Carbon Analyst and BEAM Trainer and Co-Developer with Builders For Climate Action. Jacob has authored two books and numerous articles, and instructs and consults on topics of building science and climate impact. An active member of the Carbon Leadership Forum, Jacob is engaged in code and policy development, professional training, and other initiatives supporting the transition to a more just industry.

Get access to this content as part of Greenbuild 2024

So many of the materials we rely on to shelter us are harmful to life, people, and the planet, but some materials are so good you could practically eat them! During this session you’ll hear from leading designers, builders and manufacturers in the use of earth, stone, wood and straw construction. Through inspirational case studies, research, and data-driven product profiles, the panellists will demonstrate the cultural, physiological, and environmental importance of using natural materials. This panel is tailored for building designers and developers looking to utilise the biodegradable, insulating, hygroscopic, carbon sequestering, resilient, and structural properties of these materials. While natural building materials have often been dismissed as too niche, small-scale, or antiquated to hold relevance in the palette of modern building materials, this presentation will demonstrate real-world applications of low-impact materials used in high performance contexts in a variety of scales and applications. As the market continues to seek material solutions that provide value in low-carbon and carbon storage, low toxicity, biophilia, and beauty, natural materials are more important now than ever - and easier to incorporate into your next project than ever before. With the Bio-Based Materials Pavillion on the Trade Floor, this session will prepare participants to unpack the value and understand the potential of this critical class of material solutions for the problems of the 21st century that are available today.

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