How Python transforms data analysis

How Python transforms data analysis


Python language has been around for a while, but do you know how to leverage it for data analytics? Join us in the Streamly studio as Pierre Debois, CEO and Founder of Zimana Anlytics, makes Python make sense, whilst revealing how the language can supercharge your business insights team.

Table Of Contents

The rise of Python
Debois teaches us what python is and how it gained it's popularity as a coding language.
Python use cases in data analytics
Most of the time Python is used for something analytical, Debois explains. But how else can the code language help your data insights team?
Why Python and not JavaScript?
How can insights professionals decide which code language to use when there are so many good options? Debois looks at the advantages of Python over other languages.
Advice for first time Python users
Debois shares his advice for teams wanting to integrate Python into their workflow.
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