Panel Discussion: How close are telcos to cloud-native networks and what is holding them back?

Panel Discussion: How close are telcos to cloud-native networks and what is holding them back?

Nicolai SchattgenNicolai SchattgenChief Executive Officer at Match-Maker Ventures

Nicolai is the founder and CEO of Match-Maker Ventures. MMV is dedicated to scaling innovation by helping high-growth tech companies and corporates to collaborate successfully. MMV specializes in the telecoms, financial services, and insurance industries and is in >40 locations globally. Before founding MMV, Nicolai was part of the global telecom leadership team of Arthur D. Little. In this position, Nicolai advised multi-billion-dollar companies and financial investors gaining strong experience in board-level interaction.

Today, Nicolai also serves as an Advisory Board member to several tech companies, teaches at the Vienna Business University, and acts as a keynote speaker and startup writer. Nicolai is a German citizen in Austria with work experience in 22 countries.

Israel Madiedo LunaIsrael Madiedo LunaInnovation & Technology Director at izzi (Televisa)Amaury de GromardAmaury de GromardHead of Networks Strategy & Business Development at Swisscom

In his position as Head of Networks Strategy & Business Development at Swisscom, Amaury de Gromard is responsible for the definition and implementation of Strategy. The scope being from customer internet box to central offices and data centers.

Amaury de Gromard has more than 25 years of experience in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). At Swisscom he has held previous roles such as Responsible Technical Deployment Swisscom France, Product Manager for International Services and as a Senior Marketing Manager Wholesale focusing on Business Services. Before joining Swisscom Amaury de Gromard oversaw business development in Asia for Alcatel Malaysia.

He graduated with a master's degree in IT from ESIEA (École d'Ingénieur·e·s d'un numérique utile) in Paris and holds a Business Marketing Degree from IMD (International Institute for Management Development) in Lausanne. Amaury de Gromard also sits and plays an active role on the board of Deepomatic.

Stéphane DemartisStéphane DemartisVP Cloud Infrastructure Solutions and Services at Orange
  • Reviewing the adoption rates – is the industry transforming as expected?

  • What are the key blockers – skills, tech, investment or something else?

  • Learning from successes – what are the results of successful cloud-native deployments?

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