CEO & Founder of payments processor Moov, Wade Arnold, talks about his experience of starting a fintech. Wade tells us about the challenges of creating an exceptional place to work, and considering Moov just had its company culture recognised by Purpose Jobs, it sounds like his hard work in paying off!
Table Of Contents
Explain what your company does in one sentence.
What business need is your tech solving for and who is it designed to help?
What inspired you to start this company?
How many times have you pivoted on the original idea?
What were the biggest hurdles you faced in the early stages of your startup and how did you overcome them?
If you could repeat the process, what’s one thing you'd do differently?
What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learnt from interacting with venture capitalists during the funding process?
What’s the most challenging thing about running your own company?
What's the most satisfying thing about running your own company?
What’s the vision for the business in 10 years’ time and how do you plan on getting there?
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