Crypto Canvas - From crypto winter to crypto spring

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Crypto Canvas - From crypto winter to crypto spring

Key takeaways

What regulatory changes and advancements in compliance measures are necessary to thaw the crypto ice age and foster a more favourable environment for fintech innovation? 

How can financial institutions collaborate with fintech start-ups to integrate blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies into mainstream financial services during the crypto spring? 

What role can decentralised finance (DeFi) play in reshaping the fintech landscape during the crypto spring, and what challenges need to be addressed for its widespread adoption? 

How can education and awareness initiatives be leveraged to overcome scepticism and promote widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies in the fintech sector? 

In what ways can technological advancements, such as layer 2 scaling solutions and interoperability protocols, contribute to overcoming the limitations and barriers hindering the growth of cryptocurrencies in fintech?