How Meta is using AI to reduce carbon footprint

How Meta is using AI to reduce carbon footprint

10 Jan 2023
Julius KusumaJulius KusumaPrincipal Research Scientist at Meta Platforms, Inc.Amruta SudhalkarAmruta SudhalkarSustainability Program Manager at Meta

Amruta is a Sustainability Program Manager at Meta. She leads Meta's Net Zero Strategy for data center construction. She has over a decade of experience in climate change mitigation and adaptation. She has leveraged her background in urban planning and environmental engineering to do greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, set targets, and develop climate mitigation plans for numerous public and private institutions. She has extensive experience in developing quantitative decision support tools and dashboards that track baseline emissions and quantify the reduction impacts of specific actions based on a robust set of assumptions. In addition to technical expertise in the areas of operational and embodied carbon reduction, Amruta also has a wealth of experience in consensus building and stakeholder engagement to generate widespread support for the adoption of ambitious GHG reduction strategies. Prior to joining Facebook, Amruta worked as a sustainability planner at AECOM and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability.


The technology sector is under increasing pressure to reduce its contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. And as big tech companies race to be the first to net zero, the solutions they are finding aren't always the most obvious for tech giants. Meta, while looking at how they power and run their data centres, is also focusing on how they build them. Research scientists Amruta Sudhalkar, and Julius Kusuma are using AI to help them find concrete mixes which are strong enough for the job, but offer a vastly reduced carbon footprint. Hear how their exciting discoveries may have much wider implications for sustainable construction elsewhere.

Table Of Contents

Building something great
Curious to see how this all started? Understand how the drive for net zero led the team to look at concrete.
Concrete achievements
The result of Meta scientists' work is a substantial reduction of carbon emissions in their first tests. Find out about the impact of their work here.
A solid sustainability police
Sudhalkar introduces other initiatives of the sustainability program Meta is leading to prioritise energy efficiency and help mitigate carbon emissions.
Rendering a strong future
How can the general building industry benefit from this initiative to mitigate carbon emissions? See what Meta's plans are on open-source this technology.
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