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Meet the expert...

Bryan Yu

Chief Economist at Central 1 Credit Union

Bryan Yu

Bryan Yu is Central 1’s Chief Economist and he leads a team conducting macro- and regional economic analysis for the organization and the broader credit union system. He authors many of the team’s flagship economic and housing outlook reports and weekly notes. Bryan speaks regularly at credit union and industry events and is frequently contacted by media to provide national and provincial economic commentary. He also leads Central 1’s IFRS9 national platform business and sits on various Central 1 risk and treasury committees. Bryan joined Central 1 in 2010, and previously worked as a housing economist for the BC Real Estate Association, CMHC, and conducted academic researcher in immigration economics. He currently serves on the boards of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. the B.C. Paraplegic Foundation and the Canadian Association for Business Economics.

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