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Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
21 results match your filters.
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The MINDSPACE framework: understanding of human behavior to influence actions
The MINDSPACE framework: understanding of human behavior to influence actions
BCMA in Australian Healthcare
BCMA in Australian Healthcare
Strategies for closing the digital loop in medication management
Strategies for closing the digital loop in medication management
Paving the way for future pharmacists
Paving the way for future pharmacists
Insights from the Chair of eMedication Management Conference
Insights from the Chair of eMedication Management Conference
The power of people: Nursing and Midwifery perspective on eMedication Management
The power of people: Nursing and Midwifery perspective on eMedication Management
Nursing and Midwifery and electronic medication management: the power of people
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Nursing and Midwifery and electronic medication management: the power of people
My Health Record in Hospital Pharmacy Settings: Adoption, Barriers and Challenges
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My Health Record in Hospital Pharmacy Settings: Adoption, Barriers and Challenges
Calming the swell – Developing an integrated prescription tracking solution to streamline patient flow
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Calming the swell – Developing an integrated prescription tracking solution to streamline patient flow
Reporting medicine adverse events – Easier reporting for health professionals
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Reporting medicine adverse events – Easier reporting for health professionals
Technology-related prescribing errors immediately and 1-year post-eMeds implementation at a paediatric hospital
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Technology-related prescribing errors immediately and 1-year post-eMeds implementation at a paediatric hospital
User Behaviour within EMR
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User Behaviour within EMR
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