Featured in Foodservice
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Meet the expert...

Chris Butcher

Track Manager at Keolis Downer Yarra Trams

Chris Butcher is the Track and Signals Maintenance Manager at Yarra Trams. Chris’s career commenced in England where he had a successful career in the insurance industry. Moving to Australia in 2013, Chris started his career in Transport. Chris gained first hand operational knowledge as a Team Manager with Yarra Trams in the operations team. Managing teams across 3 different sites in his first 6 years including opening the new Tram Hub driver operations in 2015. Chris has been a key player in the Enterprise bargaining that occurred in 2019, and is a lead negotiator for the current negotiations too. Chris made the move to infrastructure in 2020 seeking new opportunities and a new challenge. In the last 3 years Chris has held secondment roles in track maintenance, Program Planning and Managing Infrastructure renewals before reaching his current role. Chris believes that good management of people is a key pathway to success regardless of industry and this has enabled Chris to thrive in different disciplines. Chris has a keen interest in innovation and finding ways to work smarter to enhance operations

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