Meet the expert...
Dr Penny Webster
Staff Specialist in Geriatric Medicine at Hunter New England LHD

Penny worked as a Clinical Pharmacist at Westmead Hospital for 20 years before retraining to become a medical doctor and ultimately Staff Specialist in Geriatric Medicine. Penny continues to learn as an older adult and has recently completed a Master of Dementia at the University of Tasmania, her 5th Masters Degree by distance learning.
Penny works for the Community Acute Post Acute Care team in Newcastle. CAPAC encompasses Hospital in the Home, Rehabilitation at Home, the Transitional Aged Care Program and Healthy at Home with is a multidisciplinary hospital avoidance program for people aged over 65 years at risk for hospital admission living in the community. Penny's clinical practice includes outpatient clinics, visiting older people at home and in residential care facilities.
Penny’s interests include improving the quality of life for people living in the community and residential care, hospital avoidance, frailty, quality use of medicines for older people, cognitive impairment, dementia care and management of the behavioural problems associated with dementia.
In her spare time, Penny is enjoys glass fusion, modular origami and science fiction.