Featured in Foodservice
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Meet the expert...

Mark Newey

Managing Principal at Airtight Energy Consulting, Inc.

Mark Newey

Mark Newey is a Certified Passive House Consultant, RESNET Home Energy Rater, BPI Building Analyst, LEED Green Rater, LEED Accredited Professional, and Passive House Verifier and Rater. Mark has 24 years of experience as a building energy efficiency consultant and has taught over 100 workshops on energy efficiency and green building for builders, architects, and HVAC contractors. Prior to co-founding Airtight Energy Consulting, Mark’s experience included 5 years at Southface Energy Institute in Atlanta, GA, 17 years at the Center for EcoTechnology (CET) in Northampton MA, and 1 year at New Ecology, Inc. in Boston MA. Mark’s technical expertise includes energy modeling, energy codes, deep energy retrofits, duct system design and pressure diagnostics. In 2016 Mark was awarded the Green Giants designation by the US Green Building Council Massachusetts. He has a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Engineering Leadership Development from Pennsylvania State University.

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