Featured in Foodservice
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Meet the expert...

Mohammad Al Masri

Senior Project Manager at Footprint

Mohammad Al Masri

Mohammad is an effective communicator with strong problem-solving skills and has extensive experience in building energy performance. From civic, industrial, and education to residential, healthcare, and commerce, each project is an opportunity for Mohammad to apply his high-performance design expertise on a vast range of building types. He is passionate about conceptual design and simulation analysis and thrives on assisting in the earliest stages of a development to help his clients achieve their sustainability targets. His experience extends across Alberta and the rest of Canada. As a key member of Footprint, Mohammad regularly works alongside Smith + Andersen team members to provide the best possible recommendations to clients.

Mohammad is a member of the Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC), as well as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

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