Featured in Foodservice
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open

Meet the expert...

Roque Hsieh

Partner, Tax, Real Estate Lead, GVA at KPMG Canada

Roque Hsieh

Roque Hsieh is a partner in our Financial Institutions and Real Estate tax services practice, with over 25 years’ experience advising Canadian and foreign corporations in structuring and financing real estate investments and development projects. Roque specializes in the area of in-bound investments into Canadian real estate, including the acquisition of real estate holdings as well as the undertaking of real estate development projects. He has considerable experience with non-resident tax issues including in-bound/out-bound business investments, dispositions of Canadian properties, immigration, emigration and the use of Canadian and foreign trusts for estate and family planning. He has published numerous articles and delivered presentations at industry leading venues, including the Canadian Tax Foundation Annual Tax Conference, the BC Tax Conference, and CICA. Roque is a currently a Director and the Treasurer of the Urban Development Institute.

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