Meet the expert...
Vikram Haskar
Deputy Chief Risk Officer at IMF

Vikram Haksar is the Deputy Chief Risk Officer at the IMF helping lead its centralized risk management function of all IMF activities in lending, surveillance, capacity development and people, processes and technology. Advises IMF Management and the Executive Board on top risks and mitigations to tolerance, working with staff to build the Enterprise Risk Management framework and support a strong risk culture.
Previously led the IMFs financial stability risk and policy analysis in the global FSAP program and launched IMFs climate risk financial stability impact analysis. Extensive crisis management experience as IMF risk sign-off on engagements in Euro Area crisis countries, Russia, and Ukraine, and staff work on other EMs under stress. Led the set-up of the IMF’s first ever Flexible Credit Line, a $70 billion agreement with Mexico in 2009. IMF lead on developing institutional approaches to fiscal space, AI, fintech and G-20 engagement on technology and macro policy.
Ph.D in economics from Cornell University and educated at The Doon School.