CASE STUDY | Learnings from RPA Virtual Hospital
CASE STUDY | Learnings from RPA Virtual Hospital

Dr Owen Rhys Hutchings MBChB DRCOG DCH FRACGP Dr Hutchings is the Clinical Director of RPA Virtual Hospital, a Hospital Generalist and Fellow of the Australian College of General Practitioners. Owen has extensive experience consulting patients in hospital based Urgent Care and acute General Practice environments including Hospital in The Home to provide hospital type care to people in the community. Dr Hutchings has proven success in clinical leadership and establishing innovative models which integrate care between inpatient hospital and outpatient community settings in collaboration with Primary Care. This includes the use of Digital and Virtual Health. rpavirtual as the first Virtual Hospital in NSW performed a pivotal lead role in the response to COVID-19.

Miranda Shaw BAdEd, MHA, AFACHSM, Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Medicine
As General Manager of RPA Virtual Hospital, Miranda established and leads the strategic planning and operations of the first virtual hospital in Australia. This new model of care combines integrated hospital and community care with the latest digital solutions.
Since inception in early 2020, RPA Virtual Hospital has been at the forefront of the provision of virtual care to COVID-19 positive patients in home isolation and quarantine and has enrolled over 47,000 patients for virtual care. In its first year the service was recognised with a NSW Premier’s Award for Excellence in Digital Innovation and as a finalist in the National Value Based Health Care Awards.
Miranda’s prior role was General Manager of Sydney Local Health District’s Community Health Services, a wide-ranging portfolio of clinical and ancillary services spanning post-natal to end-of-life care. Miranda has significant experience managing multidisciplinary community-based services and working with vulnerable populations.