Facing Resistance, Building Resilience: Transcending Politics in the Heartland
Facing Resistance, Building Resilience: Transcending Politics in the Heartland

“All But Certified”, “too expensive”, “but the bike racks”! Sound familiar? Building LEED-certified structures in regions where sustainability faces industry and political resistance can feel like an uphill battle, but our dedicated LEED professionals and USGBC volunteer Market Leadership Advisory Board (MLA😎 leaders in the Heartland have cracked the code for consistent success,transforming a Midwest city through both government and grass-roots volunteer efforts. Despite facing common hurdles such as tight schedules, financial constraints, political pushback and misinformation, the USGBC’s 20-year-old Central Plains community has risen above challenges to accomplish remarkable milestones, extending the reach and impact of USGBC’s work, and transforming the market. Discover firsthand from these sustainability champions how they've leveraged language, networks, and technical expertise to to build momentum, demonstrate the possibilities with scale, and become trusted advisors to elected officials and communities. With their consistent guidance and emphasis on civic responsibility, green building policies are embraced, cities and counties utilize LEED for Cities to measure progress, and ambitious initiatives like Kansas City's inaugural Regional Climate Action Plan become reality. From the newly constructed LEED Gold Airport terminal powered by renewable energy, to the construction of 5 new LEED Gold schools financed through a publicly approved bond issuance, to commitments to LEED Zero Energy on over a million square feet of mixed-use development, to the LEED Gold* Women’s Soccer Stadium, the Kansas City Region serves as a beacon of sustainable progress in the Heartland. This momentum is fueled by the unwavering dedication of informed leaders like you, who tirelessly advocate for the integration of climate action in all aspects of regional development. Join us to gain insights from experts representing diverse professional roles, and uncover strategies for navigating barriers while achieving lasting impact. Together, let's celebrate our achievements and chart a course towards a more sustainable future.