Is building green the answer to over-construction?

Is building green the answer to over-construction?

27 Jan 2023|Greenbuild 365

The construction industry uses roughly 40% of the world's materials. Wouldn't it be better if we just built less, or is there really a way to build green? In this episode of The Green Gauge, we sit down with Denise Braun, CEO of All Things Waste, to look how building green can reduce industrial waste and increase adaptation and reuse.

Table Of Contents

Addressing over-construction
Braun talks about the key focal points in combatting the waste produced by over-construction and implementing upstream analysis at the beginning of any future building process.
Are we building too much?
Could simply building less be the antidote to the issue of over-construction? Braun explains how some old buildings really do need to be replaced.
The circular economy and greenbuilding
Reduce, repurpose, and upcycle building materials. Designers and architects are urged towards the movement of circular economy and away from the linear economy.
Healthy materials make healthy buildings
Braun emphasises how healthy materials used during the design stage of building green produces healthy buildings, and highlights the risk of using materials from older buildings.
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