
Music mogul, philanthropist and entrepreneur Percy Miller, otherwise known as Master P, shares his journey from hip hop artist to serial entrepreneur with a multi-million dollar business legacy. In this exclusive interview, Miller explores how influential hip hop culture has become. He also addresses how corporate America and hip hop can help one another as rappers and large companies unite to create great music and mutual respect.

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Understanding hip hop's influence on culture and its relevance to corporate America
Decades from its birth, hip hop as a culture has steadily grown into the global cultural influence we know today. Master P talks about what makes hip hop so appealing to the youth and shares the power in the people companies should be going to, to sell their products.
Chapter 2: Anti-corporate attitudes of today's youth
We're living in even edgier times than those in the 60s and 70s--where people are more outspoken and are celebrated for standing out. Miller discusses how corporate America is just starting to get a taste of how hip hop influencers and urban culture have the ability to be themselves, while at the same time create change, provide new opportunities and create new revenue.
Chapter 3: Percy's journey coming up from inner city to successful entrepreneur
Growing up from humble backgrounds, Percy was once the anomaly when it came to being seen as anything more than just a music artist. The music mogul and successful entrepreneur we see today pushed boundaries to carve out a legitimate stake in business. Proving to corporate America the power of hip hop and it's cultural influencers.
Chapter 4: New players in the generational wealth game
The products we all know and love, tend to come from longstanding family legacies who continue to build generational wealth. Miller emphasizes the new era we're entering, where the time is now for hip hop culture and its people to start building their own generational wealth. He works to promote and educate young urban communities to rise up and take up stake in the corporate game. Rather than promoting and marketing other brands, he urges young African Americans and those from within the hip hop culture to create their own legacy businesses.
Chapter 5: Corporate America's disruptive & productive impact on Miller's career
Success doesn't happen overnight. Miller talks about how he had to be recognised as valuable to the culture and thus valuable to corporate entities. He talks further about how vital it was to change his thinking and move towards creating economic empowerment in order to build longevity in corporate America.
Chapter 6: Parenting is the first step to education
Breaking stereotypes has been a challenge African American and urban communities in general continue to face when looking to participate and become major stakeholders within corporate America. Closing this disparity gap, finding ways to provide economic empowerment and carving out opportunities for the youth, Miller states, should happen through parental education. Miller shares how his son, artist and entrepreneur Romeo, was able to watch his father example and break those stereotypes through empowerment to change the future.
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