PANEL | Funding for telehealth and virtual care

PANEL | Funding for telehealth and virtual care

05 May 2022|Healthcare
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Karol PetrovskaKarol PetrovskaDirector Virtual Care at New South Wales Ministry of Health

Karol Petrovska is the Director for Virtual Care at the Ministry. She is leading a new team to drive a more coordinated approach to embedding virtual care across the NSW health system. Over the past 18 months Karol has led the development of the Virtual Care Strategy and Implementation Plan and has also led the establishment of the Virtual Care Taskforce, of which she is Chair. Karol has a clinical background in Occupational Therapy and in recent years completed a doctorate in Public Health. She has spent most of the last 20 years in the Ministry, with brief stints at other government agencies including the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Communities and Justice.

Paresh DawdaParesh DawdaDirector and Principal at Prestantia Health

Paresh has a portfolio of roles as a GP, academic, educator and consultant. He is the Director and Principal of an innovative outreach primary care service as well as a technology enabled general practice, Next Practice Deakin. He is the Deputy Chair for the RACGP’s Expert Committee on Quality Care. He has academic affiliations and is Editor-in-Chief of BMJ’s Integrated Healthcare Journal. He undertakes consultancy and has developed and designed leadership, quality and patient safety programmes for the NHS and general practice organisational development initiatives for a number of PHNs across Australia. He has a proven track record of achievements, has spoken at national and international conferences, acted as adviser on a number of Commonwealth committees as well as jurisdictional health committees and is a GP Consultant Adviser at the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation and eHealth. The golden thread uniting his broad interests is a passion for person-centred care.

Pete WilliamsPete WilliamsCTO at Medipass (Tyro Health)

Pete Williams is the co-founder of the Tyro acquired healthtech startup Medipass and is now CTO of Tyro Health. Previously, Pete led payments technology management - including HICAPS - at NAB. The Tyro Health - Medipass team has a strong focus on simplifying telehealth payment processes. They were first to market with a private health insurance claiming solution that does not require a physical card or EFTPOS terminal.

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• What is it we are trying to achieve? • What are some of the funding levers being used and what are they trying to drive? • How do you set the adjuster to set what it will do with the funding? • KPIs and what funding adjusters will look like • How do you support continuity of care if it is divided between two states? • How you encourage appropriate uptake in the system?

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