PANEL | Utilising non-dilutive grants & funding to achieve acceleration for the best chance of global impact
PANEL | Utilising non-dilutive grants & funding to achieve acceleration for the best chance of global impact

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• How accessible are funding/grants/R&D advances available? How can you access it? • What has been funded? What are you looking for? • What is the near-term focus? • When talking with Pharma, what does the search strategy actually mean (outside of website wording)? Grace Lethlean, Chief Product Officer, ANDHealth Dr Jerome Wielens, Director Health and Life Sciences, Breakthrough Victoria Dr Liz Dallimore, CEO & Managing Director, Argenica Therapeutics Dr Amanda Vrselja, Program Head, CUREator, Brandon Capital Dr Rita Choueiri, Partner, R&D Tax and Government Incentives National Director, Life Sciences, RSM Australia Moderated by Dr Antonio Castillo, Director, BiotechBridge
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