ROUNDTABLE | Getting the most out of your CRO partnerships
ROUNDTABLE | Getting the most out of your CRO partnerships

This session will include a series of short briefings followed by a breakout to more intimate roundtables hosted by a range of different CROs. These roundtables offer the opportunity for a deeper dive discussion with CROs who can talk you through the various clinical services, solutions and strategies which will be most advantageous to your business.
This session will bring together a variety of different vendors specialising in a range of areas, enabling biotech’s to arm themselves with the right information to make informed decisions and get the most out of their partnerships with CRO’s.
Some of the areas we may cover in these briefings include: • Reducing start-up times, and how to position product/project to end customer • How to improve & help on recruitment • Take control of your clinical data • What are you looking for in a partner? • Designing with the end in mind – reimbursement in line with your clinical trial design • What are some of the pre-clinical program considerations to support a successful clinical trial? • How do you develop an effective safety & efficacy program through a rigorous nonclinical strategy? • Identifying clinical trial supply challenges in the early stage of trial design • Is my product eligible for approval vie the US 505(b)(2) pathway?