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Meet the expert...

Dr Clarissa Han

Chief Technology Leader / National Leader, Sustainability and Materials Performance at NTRO | ARRB

Dr Clarissa Han

Dr Clarissa Han leads the NTRO Sustainability and Materials Performance Business Group, delivering high profile research on the use of recycled or alternative materials for sustainable transport network, assessment and development of resilient infrastructure, climate change adaptation, environmental impact assessment and advisory, life cycle assessment and economic evaluations of transport options, and sustainable future mobility solutions. She is also the NTRO Chief Technology Leader of Network Sustainability and Resilience. Clarissa has 25 years of engineering and research experience in transport management and operations, infrastructure sustainability and resilience, traffic studies and analysis, congestion cost estimation, and emerging ITS technologies, tools and performance benchmarking. Clarissa has been a major contributor to various national guidelines, standards and specifications in transport management and operations. She is the current Australian member of the PIARC Mobility Strategic Theme TC2.4 Road Network Operations/ITS (2020-24). Clarissa is also a board member of the International Road Federation (IRF). She is a regular speaker at various international conferences or forums such as the TRB Annual Meetings, PIARC conferences and the ITS World Congresses.

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