Featured in Foodservice
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open

Meet the expert...

Jacquie Chakirelis

Vice President of Digital Strategy at Quest Digital/Great Lakes Publishing

Jacquie Chakirelis

Named one of the top 50 Influential Women in Content Marketing and 50 Top B2B Content Marketing Influencers To Follow in 2021. Jacquie Chakirelis is an award-winning marketing media professional, speaker and currently serves as the Director of Digital Strategy for Quest Digital/Great Lakes Publishing, a regional publishing powerhouse of magazines and digital content including Cleveland Magazine and Ohio Magazine. One of her proudest achievements is the founding of a nationally-syndicated talk radio program and podcast, Family Matters Radio. The thirteen-year media company was a pioneer in women-issue programming that was honored by five Society of Professional Journalism awards. She was a part of the producing team for the national social network MomsLikeMe.com that debuted in over 80 communities across the Gannett media network. As the on-air contributor for NBC-TV, she engaged with stories for a mom-focused audience. For more information visit https://about.me/jacquiechakirelis for speaking experience and social media connections.

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