Featured in Foodservice
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open

Meet the expert...

Jethro Hepton

Board Chairperson at Advocacy WA

Jethro Hepton

I am 40 years old and have always lived in the Bunbury area, I have served on several Committees, including Department of Housing Regional Appeals Committee, Chairperson of Advocacy WA and a former member of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability. I am a lecturer on Individual Support Disability Certificate III at North Metropolitan TAFE, MT Lawley, and am a strong advocate of disability awareness and strongly believe in empowering the person with the disability to lead their own life however they choose.

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