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Meet the expert...

Jonathan Stern

Distinguished Research Fellow at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Jonathan Stern

Jonathan Stern founded the OIES Gas Research Programme in 2003 and was its Director until October 2011 when he became its Chairman and a Senior Research Fellow, he became a Distinguished Fellow in October 2016. He is honorary professor at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee; Fellow of the Energy Delta Institute and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (in Tokyo). From 2011-16 he was the EU Speaker of the EU–Russia Gas Advisory Council. He is the author and editor of several books and his areas of expertise are Natural gas issues worldwide: development, trade, liberalisation, regulation, security, utility business models, gas and decarbonisation. Methane emissions, measurement reporting and verification (MRV) of emissions from oil and gas.

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