Featured in Foodservice
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Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
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Meet the expert...

Jonathon Pearce

Business Development Manager & Marine Technical Advisor at OMC International

Jonathon Pearce

Jonathon Pearce joined BP as a cadet in 1979 and qualified as a Master Mariner in 1990. He has served in all ranks, including master, on various types of vessels. He has been involved with LNG risk assessments and is an expert witness on pilotage issues. In 2008 he joined OMC International as their Business Development Manager due to his extensive knowledge of their Dynamic Under-keel Clearance systems. He is a highly knowledgeable on ship motions, under-keel clearance and vessel squat and presents internationally and nationally on these issues.

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Revolutionising maritime: The power of technology
Revolutionising maritime: The power of technology
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