Meet the expert...
Louise Everitt
Clinical Midwifery Consultant in Complex Pregnancy Care at St George Public Hospital

Louise Everitt is a PhD candidate at Western Sydney University co-designing a Perinatal Interprofessional Psychosocial Education Program for Maternity Clinicians (PIPE-MC). This project has received grant funding from the Federal Government emerging priorities in perinatal mental health with seven consortium partners including RANZCOG and ACM to implement and evaluate the program across Australia. Louise is a Clinical Midwifery Consultant in Complex Pregnancy Care at St George Public Hospital. She is a Fellow of Australian College of Midwives (ACM) and Clinical Fellow at UTS. Louise has been a midwife for 35 years holding various clinical, management, education, policy development and research roles. She is passionate about caring for women and families with complex psychosocial concerns and educating maternity clinicians about family violence, mental health and child protection.