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Meet the expert...

Randi Viksund

Senior Vice President Staff and Business Support at Gassco

Randi Viksund

Randi Viksund is Senior Vice President in Gassco with the overall responsibility for the departments of finance, HR , communication and IT.

She has previously been heading R&D and HSE at Gassco, where she has held various roles since 2008.

Her working career started with R&D work in FMC Biopolymer, and she has also held the position as Director of the Norwegian Gas Center.

Community involvement has been exercised through political engagement in the city council.

Viksund is educated at the University of Bergen and has a Cand Scient degree in organic chemistry.

Gassco A/S is responsible the operation and future development of the Norwegian gas transportation system,

which includes transport and processing of all natural gas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf to Europe.

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