Panel -Infrastructure that is fit for future purpose: the key to the energy transition, managing volatility and flexibility: what kind of infrastructure do we need to decarbonize?

Panel -Infrastructure that is fit for future purpose: the key to the energy transition, managing volatility and flexibility: what kind of infrastructure do we need to decarbonize?

24 Apr 2024|Flame 2024
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Szabolcs Ferencz Szabolcs Ferencz Chairman and CEO at FGSZ Natural Gas Transmission ltd.

Mr. Ferencz is the Chairman-CEO of FGSZ Natural Gas Transmission Ltd., Hungary, since February 2019. Previously he held various management positions in MOL Group, and was a Member of the Management Board of ENTSOG, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (2020-2023). Since 2011, he has been an Associate at the European Round Table for Industry.

James WatsonJames WatsonSecretary General at Eurogas

James is the Secretary General of Eurogas, a role he has held since January 2019. Eurogas is the association representing the European gas sector. Prior to taking the helm at Eurogas, James was the Chief Executive Officer of SolarPower Europe, the European solar industry association. Before joining SolarPower Europe, he worked as the Director of Public Affairs for Weber Shandwick, specialising in energy and trade policy. He has over 15 years experience in Brussels policy making. Before coming to Brussels, James worked for the Commonwealth Secretariat on a European Commission project on trade and sustainable development based in Ethiopia. Earlier in his career James worked for various public sector organisations in London and worked as a lecturer in Environmental Law at the University of Manchester. He has over 25 years of policy and public speaking related experience

Alex BarnesAlex BarnesDirector at Alex Barnes & Associates

Alex Barnes is an independent consultant specialising in energy market regulation and market design. He has over thirty years’ experience in the oil and gas sector, most of it spent in the liberalisation of gas and electricity markets. He has worked for a range of blue chip companies helping them manage the impacts of energy liberalisation. He has helped draft gas market rules as an industry representative on expert panels for the European Network of Transmission Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) and the European energy market regulator ACER. Since going independent in October 2019 he has worked with several clients on a range of subjects including hydrogen market development and regulation; competition, regulation and market developments in European natural gas markets; the EU “Fit for 55” Package; carbon pricing; and regulation of methane emissions. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

Sabine AugustinSabine AugustinHead of Corporate Development & Strategy at Open Grid Europe GmbH

Sabine Augustin is responsible for Business Development, Political Affairs and Communication in OGE, Germany’s largest TSO. OGE is a frontrunner in transforming the natural gas business towards hydrogen and CO2 transport solutions. Sabine and her team focus on implementing a German hydrogen backbone, transport corridors for hydrogen imports and a CO2 infrastructure in Germany.

With 25 years of experience in the energy business, Sabine has been at the forefront of various transformational processes in the industry. Prior to her role in OGE Sabine held a number of senior management roles in the E.ON group and its spin-off Uniper. She has a university degree in industrial engineering.

Randi ViksundRandi ViksundSenior Vice President Staff and Business Support at Gassco

Randi Viksund is Senior Vice President in Gassco with the overall responsibility for the departments of finance, HR , communication and IT.

She has previously been heading R&D and HSE at Gassco, where she has held various roles since 2008.

Her working career started with R&D work in FMC Biopolymer, and she has also held the position as Director of the Norwegian Gas Center.

Community involvement has been exercised through political engagement in the city council.

Viksund is educated at the University of Bergen and has a Cand Scient degree in organic chemistry.

Gassco A/S is responsible the operation and future development of the Norwegian gas transportation system,

which includes transport and processing of all natural gas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf to Europe.

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