Spotlight on Baltic states – As gas demand continues to increase, how are we balancing supply and demand volumes?

Spotlight on Baltic states – As gas demand continues to increase, how are we balancing supply and demand volumes?

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David CallananDavid CallananFounder at Global LNG Hub

David is Founder and Editor of the Global LNG Hub, European Gas Hub, Global Hydrogen Hub, Global Maritime Hub, and The Coal Hub. These arose from a recognized need for a centralized information base for analysts in these industries. Having spent more than 15 years working at a strategic level across the coal, natural gas, LNG, & shipping industries, David saw what kind of value a unified hub of information would bring to subscribers.

Having previously worked with IHS Market (S&P Global), David Callanan has been involved in the energy business for over 20 years..

Uldis BarissUldis BarissChairman of the Board at Conexus Baltic Grid ASMargus KaasikMargus KaasikCEO at Eesti Gaas

Margus Kaasik is a CEO of Eesti Gaas in homeland Estonia. Previously Kaasik worked as the Financial Manager and was a member of the Management Board in Eesti Energia for nine years. Margus Kaasik holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Tallinn University of Technology.

Nemunas BikniusNemunas BikniusCEO at Amber Grid

Nemunas Biknius, CEO of gas transmission system operator Amber Grid has more than 20 years of experience in energy and primarily in gas sector. Before Amber Grid, during his professional career he was involved in various managerial and Board positions in Lietuvos dujos, Ministry of Economy, EPSO-G, Baltpool and Litgrid. In his duties he took part and steered the number of strategic energy projects of national and regional importance. He has engineering background with further EMBA studies.

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Interconnections harmonising cooperation and coordination at a regional level - Addressing bottleneck and streamlining processes between terminals and TSOs. District heating switching to gas and plan for utilities switching to renewables & biomass; Minimising the imbalance to ensure adequacy and supply security.

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