Meet the expert...
Simone Austin
Chief Health Officer at Healthy Life

Simone Austin, an Accredited Practising Dietitian, is the Chief Health Officer and Chair of the health Advisory Board at healthylife. Her 30+ years of experience and passion for working in health started with establishing dietetic community health positions working in the area of aged care and disability. Simone’s career has seen her work in various areas simultaneously, from private practice, aged care, Advocacy and Policy to the health and wellness and food industry. She has spent much of her career working in elite sport, with some of Australia’s most successful sporting teams - The Australian Men’s Cricket Team, Hawthorn AFL football Club, Melbourne Storm, Melbourne City and more. She was the president of Sports Dietitians Australia for 5 years, from 2015 and is currently a Dietitians Australia Board Director.
Simone has authored a book, Eat Like An Athlete as she believes everyone can use nutrition as a tool for their own life performance. A regular in the media Simone is a presenter who presents with energy and enthusiasm.