AI, Algorithms & Augmented Reality: Issues at Stake
AI, Algorithms & Augmented Reality: Issues at Stake

Agustín Reyna is Director of Legal and Economic Affairs at The European Consumer Organisation, BEUC. Agustín heads the legal and economic department composed of five policy teams (Financial Services, Digital, Consumer Rights, Competition, and Consumer Redress and Enforcement). He leads the Financial Services team and coordinates the organisation’s work on competition law enforcement and policy before the Commission and the EU courts. Since 2018 he acts as non-governmental advisor for the Commission to the International Competition Network and represents BEUC in various European and international fora. He is member of the European Commission’s Financial Services User Group and of ESMA Coordination Network on Sustainability (CNS) Consultative Working Group. He holds a PhD. in law from the University of Bremen and often publishes in scientific journals on issues related to EU law.

Anna is Member of Cabinet at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), advising on protection of rights in the digital sphere, privacy and competition, online manipulation, scientific research, ethics and innovation. Anna holds a PhD in European Law from the University of Naples Parthenope. Her research focused on the interaction between data protection, privacy and competition law in data-driven markets. Prior to joining the EDPS, she worked as PhD researcher and lecturer at the University of Naples Parthenope and at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Competition.
Anna holds a Master's Degree in Law from the University of Naples Federico II and she is a qualified lawyer admitted to the Italian bar.

Vasileios is an EU Policy Counsel at the Future of Privacy Forum, based in Brussels. His work focuses on digital transformation, emerging/disruptive technology advancements and AI, transatlantic relations, data protection/privacy and their intersection with law and policy-making.
Prior to commencing at FPF, Vasileios worked at Microsoft as an AI & Competition Policy Coordinator (Responsible Tech & Rule of Law). At Microsoft, he worked on emerging legal and public policy issues on AI-related regulation – with an emphasis on the AI Act, AI liability frameworks, Trade & Standardization, Regulatory Sandboxes and Transatlantic Relations. Moreover, he supported efforts on matters relating to Competition Policy, closely followed progress on the Metaverse(s) and data protection/privacy, as well as covered developments on political advertising.
He previously worked at the European Commission; namely, at Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) on issues pertaining to platform economy and at Directorate-General for Justice & Consumers (DG JUST) on fundamental rights policy, with a focus on data protection, privacy and the freedom of expression, inter alia.
Additionally, Vassilis is conducting research on matters of Artificial Intelligence and he is a member of the advanced research group on Law and AI at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).
Vassilis pursued his legal studies at the University of Maastricht (LL.B. in European & International Law – 2016, the Netherlands), holds an LL.M. in European Law from Leiden University (2018, the Netherlands) and subsequently acquired a second postgraduate degree (MA) from the College of Europe in European Politics & Governance Studies (2019, Belgium).

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