Digital Markets Act: Practitioners’ Perspectives
Digital Markets Act: Practitioners’ Perspectives

Anselm is a lawyer and senior expert in tech and digital markets. For the last 20 years, he has been focusing on a variety of legal issues in the digital sector in different positions: as Head of Antitrust and Distribution Law at Zalando, the European platform for fashion, he built up and led their inhouse team for these areas; as a lawyer in the Brussels office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, he mainly advised telecoms, platforms and tech companies; and as a Legal and Policy Officer with the European Commission (DG CONNECT) he helped developing the Commission’s Digital Single Market strategy. He is currently the VP Legal & Policy of Video Games Europe based in Brussels. Anselm holds a PhD in competition law from the University of Muenster (Germany) and a master degree from the University of Oxford.

Claire is a barrister with over 25 years of international experience in the fields of competition, internal market and tax law. In 2017 she joined the legal service of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, where she is responsible for the conduct of cases before the CJEU, GCEU and EFTA Court. Claire’s recent cases include C-48/22 P Google Shopping, C-611/22 P Illumina, Grail, C-223/23 Alphabet (Android Auto), C-245/20 P Apple, Ireland v Commission, C-298/22 Banco BPN and C-376/20 P CK Telecoms. Prior to EFTA, Claire was Group Head of Competition law at Euroclear, where she covered a range of antitrust issues worldwide, including in relation to blockchain, data and international collateral management. From 1999 to 2007 Claire practised from Gray's Inn Tax Chambers, London, following a stint with Judge Cooke in the General Court of the EU.
Claire writes on relevant competition law matters (e.g. “CJEU Revisits its Case-Law to Find Damages Can be Claimed Before National Courts for the Air Freight Cartel, Also During the Transitional Period: Case C-819/19 Stichting Cartel Compensation”, 2022 JECAP). She holds an LL.B(Hons) from the University of Edinburgh, and Masters degrees from the College of Europe, Bruges (EU law), and the Brussels School of Competition (Competition law and Economics, summa cum laude).

Jeremie is Director of Competition Law and Public Policy at Schibsted Marketplaces, a Norwegian group operating online marketplaces across the Nordics. Jeremie advises Schibsted Marketplaces on antitrust, merger control and other regulatory matters, including in relation to the Digital Market Act's and Digital Services Act's implementation. Prior to joining Schibsted in September 2023, Jeremie was a partner at the law firm White & Case in Brussels and also worked at the European Commission (Hearing Office, 2010-2012). Jeremie is a qualified lawyer (Paris Bar) and holds masters degrees in Economics (Paris University) and EU Law (College of Europe).

- Gatekeeper designations
- Implementation and enforcement to date
- Interaction with the Data Act
- Update on non-compliance
- Will there be litigation?
- The relationship between DMA and DSA
- Interplay of DMA and competition policy
- Implications for non-dominant players