Judges' Roundtable

Judges' Roundtable

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Daniel SeverinssonDaniel SeverinssonJudge at Patent and Market Court / Stockholm District Court

Daniel Severinsson is a judge with the specialized Patent and Market Court which handle all civil and administrative competition law cases in the first instance in Sweden. He joined the court when it was established in 2016 and has since been responsible for competition law matters. Judge Severinsson regularly teaches competition law both in house at the Patent and Market Court and internationally for various organizations such as the European Judicial Training Network. He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Association of European Competition Law Judges and is appointed legal expert in the Swedish government inquiry New competition tools for well-functioning markets.

Judge Severinsson also has several years of previous experience as legal counsel with the Swedish Competition Authority. He obtained his Master of Laws degree at the Stockholm University in 2002.

Sir Marcus SmithSir Marcus SmithPresident at Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) & Judge, Chancery Division, High Court

Sir Marcus Smith was called to the Bar in 1991 and took silk in 2010. He was appointed a chairman of the Competition Appeal Tribunal in 2009 and was the chair of the Appeals Committee of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority between 2015 and 2017. He became a High Court Judge (Chancery Division) in January 2017. He continues to sit in the CAT, and is also authorised to sit as a judge of the Financial List, the Patents Court and the Administrative Court. Between 2019 and 2021 he was the Chancery Supervising Judge for the Midlands, Western and Wales Circuits. In 2021, he became President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal, in addition to his role as a High Court Judge.

Marcus is a widely experienced competition law judge, and has handed down significant judgments in all areas of competition law, including private actions and collective proceedings. He is the author of The Law of Assignment (3rd ed, OUP, 201😎 and has written or contributed to numerous other articles and books.

Stefaan RaesStefaan RaesPartner at Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick

Stefaan Raes is a partner in the leading independent Belgian law firm Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick. He is the head the European and Competition law.

He obtained his law degree at the University of Leuven in Belgium (1980), as well as an LLM at the University of Chicago Law School (1981).

From 1994 until 2015, he was a judge in the Belgian judiciary, first in the Court of first instance in Brussels, and from 1998 onwards in the Brussels Court of appeal, a court of general jurisdiction that also has exclusive jurisdiction to review decisions by regulators such as the Belgian Competition Authority and federal and regional sector regulators in network industries.

From 2004 until 2013, he was the President of the Belgian Competition Council, the decision making body of the Belgian Competition Authority.

He returned to the private Bar in 2015.

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