Judges’ Roundtable

Judges’ Roundtable

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Gerhard KlumpeGerhard KlumpePresiding Judge at District Court of Dortmund

VorsRiLG Dr. Gerhard Klumpe studied law at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany). After obtaining his first State Exam, he began his doctoral studies at the same institution. In 1998 he was awarded his doctorate and started judicial training at the District Court of Bochum. He passed his second state exam and entered the judiciary in 2000.

In 2013 he was appointed as Presiding Judge at the District Court of Dortmund where he chairs a Chamber for Commercial Matters as well as the only Civil Law Chamber for Cartel Damage Actions within the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm.

Gerhard Klumpe holds courses within the judicial training, lectures at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf and has contributed to number of leading academic journals.

Elske BoerwinkelElske BoerwinkelJudge at NCC District Court

Elske Boerwinkel was a lawyer in private practice specialising in European and national competition law, state aid law and public procurement law. She was elevated to the Gelderland (Arnhem) District Court in 2010. She regularly sits by designation in cartel damages cases in courts across the Netherlands. She was appointed as a judge in the Netherlands Commercial Court with a focus on competition law cases and restructuring cases.

Gustavo Andrés Martín MartinGustavo Andrés Martín MartinMagistrate at Spanish Commercial Court n.1 Alicante and Coordinator, European Union Trade Mark Court of First Instance of Spain

Judge appointed at the Commercial Court No. 1 of Alicante and coordinator of the EU trade mark First Instance Court of Spain.

Spanish magistrate and member of the Spanish Judicial Network for International Judicial Cooperation (EJCN) -Civil Section-. Member of the Association of European Competition Law Judges. Degree in Law, Universidad de Salamanca (2008). Stays on different programmes at the University of Westminster and the London School of Economics. Master in Private Law (2012) Phd research scholarship at the Max Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation in Munich, Germany (2017) Author of the monograph "Competencia, enriquecimiento y daños", Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch (2019), as well as of several papers for journals and collective works, especially in the fields of intellectual property and competition law. Guest Lecturer at the Master in Intellectual Property and Digital Innovation, Magister Lvcentinvs (Universidad de Alicante).

Ben TidswellBen TidswellChairman at Competition Appeal Tribunal

Ben Tidswell was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand in 1988 and joined City firm Ashurst in 1993, becoming admitted to the roll of solicitors in England & Wales in 1994 and a solicitor advocate in 1999. A partner in the London Disputes practice at Ashurst since 2000, he has worked on a wide range of commercial litigation and regulatory matters, including several cases before the Tribunal over a period of almost 20 years. He was the Global Chairman of Ashurst from 2013 to 2021. He was appointed as a non-executive director of Post Office Limited on 27 July 2021.

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