Judges’ Roundtable
Judges’ Roundtable

Daniel Severinsson is a judge with the specialized Patent and Market Court which handle all civil and administrative competition law cases in the first instance in Sweden. He joined the court when it was established in 2016 and has since been responsible for competition law matters. Judge Severinsson regularly teaches competition law both in house at the Patent and Market Court and internationally for various organizations such as the European Judicial Training Network. He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Association of European Competition Law Judges and is appointed legal expert in the Swedish government inquiry New competition tools for well-functioning markets.
Judge Severinsson also has several years of previous experience as legal counsel with the Swedish Competition Authority. He obtained his Master of Laws degree at the Stockholm University in 2002.

Born in 1977 in Dublin (Ireland), Ms Suzanne Kingston graduated in law from Oxford University (United Kingdom) in 1998 and obtained a master’s degree in law at Universiteit Leiden (University of Leiden, Netherlands) in 2000. She then began to study for a doctorate in law at that university, and defended her thesis there in 2009.
In 1998, she was admitted as a Barrister at the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, London (United Kingdom). In 2002, she joined the Brussels office of an international law firm where she practised law until 2004.
Ms Kingston subsequently joined the Court of Justice of the European Union as a legal secretary to Advocate General Leendert Geelhoed, with whom she worked from 2004 to 2006.
Ms Kingston was admitted to serve as a Barrister at the Honourable Society of King’s Inns, Dublin (Ireland) in 2007. She has practised law at the Bar of Ireland since 2007 as a Barrister, then as a Senior Counsel.
In addition, Ms Kingston taught law at the University College Dublin (Ireland) as a senior lecturer from 2007 to 2015, then, from 2015, as professor. During her academic career, she also taught at other universities, in particular at Columbia University (United States), Cambridge University (United Kingdom), Universiteit Leiden, and Osgoode Hall Law School of York University in Toronto (Canada). She is the author of numerous publications in EU law.
Ms Kingston was appointed as a Judge at the General Court on 13 January 2022.

Elske Boerwinkel was a lawyer in private practice specialising in European and national competition law, state aid law and public procurement law. She was elevated to the Gelderland (Arnhem) District Court in 2010. She regularly sits by designation in cartel damages cases in courts across the Netherlands. She was appointed as a judge in the Netherlands Commercial Court with a focus on competition law cases and restructuring cases.

Ian Forrester KC is a renowned practitioner in the field of European law, specialising in competition, intellectual property, customs, antidumping, pharmaceutical regulation, football, the precautionary principle, broadcasting, computer software and due process. He was educated and trained in Scotland, Louisiana, New York and Brussels and has been a member of the bars of Scotland, New York, England and Brussels.
Mr Forrester returned to practice in Scotland in 2021. From 2015 until 2020 he sat for the UK on the bench of the General Court of the European Union hearing about 200 cases concerning competition, access to documents, trademarks, plant varieties, public procurement, employment, and other European Union questions. His mandate came to an end with Brexit.
His has argued a number of leading cases such as Bosman, Magill, Microsoft, GSK, Canon and others in the fields of football, broadcasting, contaminated blood, pharmaceuticals, voting rights and trade.
During his practice he has been a consistently top ranked counsel by the leading Legal Directories in the UK and European editions of the guides. In the 2023 Chambers and Partners UK Bar Guide he is Band 1 ranked in Public Law matters. Chambers say: “Ian Forrester KC’s return to private practice is a highly significant development for the Scottish Bar. Until 2020 he sat for the UK on the bench of the General Court of the European Union. To the Faculty of Advocates he brings immense experience of legal practice in a host of areas including competition and international trade law.”