Judges’ Roundtable
Judges’ Roundtable

Daniel Severinsson is a judge with the specialized Patent and Market Court which handle all civil and administrative competition law cases in the first instance in Sweden. He joined the court when it was established in 2016 and has since been responsible for competition law matters. Judge Severinsson regularly teaches competition law both in house at the Patent and Market Court and internationally for various organizations such as the European Judicial Training Network. He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Association of European Competition Law Judges and is appointed legal expert in the Swedish government inquiry New competition tools for well-functioning markets.
Judge Severinsson also has several years of previous experience as legal counsel with the Swedish Competition Authority. He obtained his Master of Laws degree at the Stockholm University in 2002.

Ms. Hansberry-Bieguńska is a partner in the Hansberry Tomkiel firm. She and Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, a former Chairman of the Polish Competition Authority, founded Hansberry Tomkiel, Previously, she worked as a senior trial attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice's Antitrust Division as well as an advisor to competition authorities in Eastern and Central Europe. She was the general counsel of UPC Poland and went on to manage another Polish media company.
Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska has overlooked damage actions in Poland from the plaintiff as well as the defence sides. Moreover, she has brought her experience to defending clients in cartel matters, including building Article 101(3) TFEU defences.
Ms. Hansberry-Bieguńska has been widely recognized internationally and nationally by Who's Who of Competition Lawyers, Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, PLC Which Lawyer, and Global Competition
With regard to her involvement in organizations outside the firm, Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska served as the Chairman of the Irish Polish Chamber of Commerce for five years and continues to be involved the Irish business community as a Board member.
In May 2019, the US Ambassador appointed Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska to join the Board of Directors of the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission. In her appointment letter, the Ambassador wrote, “With your background in U.S. and Polish legal issues, your interest in U.S.-Polish educational exchange, and your extensive experience living in Poland, I believe you are well positioned to help the Commission continue to grow strategically as one of the premier Fulbright programs in the world.”
In May 2022, the current US Ambassador, Mark Francis Brzezinski, renewed Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska’s term for an additional three years.
Heico Kerkmeester obtained degrees in both Economics and Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and an LL.M. at the University of Chicago. He wrote a Ph.D.-dissertation on Law and Game Theory. At present he is a Senior Justice in the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry in The Hague, specialising in cases where economic evidence is presented. He is also a Senior Associate Professor in Economic Analysis of Law at the University of Antwerp.
Eduardo Pastor is a commercial judge in Spain. He has worked in the commercial courts of Barcelona and Valencia. He currently serves in the Valencia High Court, in its commercial section. He has participated in a large number of proceedings concerning competitive damages over the last years, having occasion to submit the preliminary ruling on the Tráficos Manuel Ferrer case before the CJEU. He holds a PhD in Law from the University of Valencia and his research has focused on damages actions.

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