Keynote| Real World Issues in moving from ideas to products in medtech

Keynote| Real World Issues in moving from ideas to products in medtech

27 Jul 2022|Healthcare
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Erol Harvey Erol Harvey CEO at Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery

Dr. Erol Harvey has a few roles. He is the CEO of the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (ACMD), Head of Development and Translation at the Bionics Institute, a Board Member of the National Imaging Facility, is on the Industry Advisory Panel for the Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre, a grant reviewer for the NHMRC and is a Fellow of the Academy of Technology and Engineering. He has been awarded the prestigious Clunies Ross medal for entrepreneurship and in 2010 was named Emerging Technology Entrepreneur of the Year by the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame. He founded a medical device manufacturing company, MiniFAB in 2002 and was its CEO until 2018. In 2011 MiniFAB was awarded Enabling Technology Company of the Year by the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame. He also founded the Small Technology Cluster, a business incubator for advanced technology businesses, which has evolved to be the Medtech Actuator based in Melbourne and in Singapore. He actively encourages young entrepreneurs and startups and regularly mentors early career scientists through the Academy’s IMNIS program.

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o There is a conflict between innovator’s need for speed and regulator’s need for certainty, which kills many projects. o There is a well-defined pathway through this process that satisfies investors, developers, regulators and finally, end-users. o They key is to start the project the right way, not to be retrospectively filling in missing details. o ACMD is setting up an environment to create efficiencies in product and process development, and investment. o Trusted, reliable products have most value to end-users in health delivery. o Because people’s lives depend on the products, they are regulated and must meet legal requirements.

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