Legal Professional Privilege Considerations

Legal Professional Privilege Considerations

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Ief DaemsIef DaemsChair at In-house Competition Lawyers Association

Ief Daems is Chair of the In-house Competition Lawyers Association (ICLA). ICLA is an informal association of in-house competition lawyers with more than 500 members across the globe. The Association does not represent companies but is made up of individuals who are in-house experts in competition law. Ief is also Associate General Counsel, Legal Director Competition Law for Cisco. He previously worked as Senior Legal Counsel at an Asian global conglomerate, and as competition lawyer at the Brussels offices of Howrey and Shearman & Sterling. Ief holds a MSc in International and European Politics from the University of Edinburgh, and a Master of Law from the University of Leuven.

Dirk MiddelschulteDirk MiddelschulteVP Global General Counsel Competition at Unilever

Dirk Middelschulte has been Global General Counsel Competition at Unilever, based in Brussels, since October 2017. He started his career in private practice before joining Deutsche Bahn AG at its headquarters in Berlin in 2006 as in-house counsel for IP, regulatory and competition law and led the group’s antitrust advice & compliance team from 2010 onwards. Dirk moved to Danone in Paris in 2015 as Global Compliance Director, prior to joining Unilever.

Michael OkkonenMichael OkkonenPartner at DechertBrian QuinnBrian QuinnGroup Senior Legal Counsel at Flutter Entertainment

Brian is Group Senior Legal Counsel at Flutter Entertainment plc, having previously specialised in UK and EU Competition law at a Magic Circle law firm. His focuses include the intersection and application of competition law, consumer law, and the rules governing online safety and tech. He is a qualified solicitor (England & Wales).

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