New Competition Law Tools: What are the Considerations?

New Competition Law Tools: What are the Considerations?

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Daniel SeverinssonDaniel SeverinssonJudge at Patent and Market Court / Stockholm District Court

Daniel Severinsson is a judge with the specialized Patent and Market Court which handle all civil and administrative competition law cases in the first instance in Sweden. He joined the court when it was established in 2016 and has since been responsible for competition law matters. Judge Severinsson regularly teaches competition law both in house at the Patent and Market Court and internationally for various organizations such as the European Judicial Training Network. He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Association of European Competition Law Judges and is appointed legal expert in the Swedish government inquiry New competition tools for well-functioning markets.

Judge Severinsson also has several years of previous experience as legal counsel with the Swedish Competition Authority. He obtained his Master of Laws degree at the Stockholm University in 2002.

Marie OstmanMarie OstmanChief Legal Officer at Swedish Competition Authority

Chief Legal Officer and Head of Legal and Litigation Unit at the Swedish Competition Authority. Prior to re-joining the Competition Authority in 2018, where she earlier held a position as legal counsel, she worked as a lawyer specialised in EU and Swedish competition law at a major law firm in Stockholm and Brussels. Marie has also served at the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation advising on matters relating to competition and state aid. From her time at the law firm, she is a co-author of previous editions of a handbook in Swedish competition law. She has a Master of Laws degree from the University of Gothenburg (199😎.

Stefan SagebroStefan SagebroDirector - Competition and State Aid at Svenskt Näringsliv (Confederation of Swedish Enterprise)

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise brings together 60,000 companies and 50 industry and employer organisations. At the Confederation, Stefan works as an expert on State Aid and Competition. Before joining, he worked at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, and before that at the Swedish Competition Authority

Lars HenrikssonLars HenrikssonProfessor of Law at Stockholm School of Economics

Lars Henriksson is a professor of Law at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received his M.Sc. in general management at SSE in 1991 and his LL.M. degree from Stockholm University in 1998. His area of research and practice is within antitrust and competition law, contract law, EU-law, company and market law and international trade law. Also, a special interest in his research is devoted to regulated markets and law related issues of market regulations. He has chaired a governmental public enquiry on regulations and is a member of ASCOLA, the world-wide association of competition law academics. He is currently appointed to the Council for Research Issues at the Swedish Competition Authority and has headed of specialisation for the LL.D. Program in law at SSE. Since 2011, he is on the Board of the Institute of Intellectual Property Law and Marketing Law at the Stockholm University. In 2013 he became a Non-Government Advisor (NGA) to the International Competition Network (ICN) Unilateral Conduct Working Group and he also a member of La Ligue internationale du droit de la concurrence (LIDC). He has published numerous articles on legal matters such as competition law, copyright law, public procurement, company law and telecom and energy regulation. In addition to academic work he also has extensive experience as a consultant in legal matters and expert before arbitration tribunals and legal expert in court proceedings.

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