Panel | Innovation in the Operating Room

Panel | Innovation in the Operating Room

22 Aug 2024|Healthcare
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Indra JolayemiIndra JolayemiClinical Nurse Specialist (Perioperative Nursing) at Monash Health, Monash University, Victorian Perioperative Nurses GroupDr Paula ForanDr Paula ForanUnit coordinator CNA802 & CNA803, Coordinator Clinical Nursing Master at University of Tasmania

Dr Paula Foran comes from a perianaesthesia nursing background. She has many publications to her credit including published articles and several book chapters on perianaesthesia and surgical nursing. Paula currently sits on the ‘Victorian Perioperative Council’ and the case review sub-committee in morbidity and mortality for the Department of Health. Paula is the sub-editor for the Journal of Perioperative Nursing and manages the column, ‘Emerging Scholars’ where Paula assists postgraduate students to see their publications come to fruition. Paula has been a guest speaker and presented keynote presentations at national & international conferences. She has been awarded the ‘Most Popular Presenter’ for her keynote address at the International Collaboration of Perianaesthesia Nurses, and Best Oral Paper award at the European Operating Room Nurses conference in The Hague.
Paula completed her research PhD in 2012 and currently is the Unit Coordinator of the master by coursework subjects (CNA802 & CNA803) and the Master Clinical Nursing Coordinator at the University of Tasmania.

Sharna Hendrickse Sharna Hendrickse Nurse Unit Manager for Robotic surgery at St John of God Hospital, Berwick

Ms Sharna Hendrikse is a specialist operating room manager with over 20 year’s experience. She has been involved with Robotic surgery since the first generation Da Vinci Si was introduced to Australia in 2016. She has been involved with training and setting up Robotic programs in several Hospitals. She has been nominated as a Mentor and nurse trainer by Device technologies. She is currently the NUM for Robotic surgery at SJOG hospital in Berwick, Melbourne where she leads a team of nurses and has been involved in setting up a successful broad based Robotics program including General, Gynae, Bariatric, Urology and Colorectal surgery.

Erin WakefieldErin WakefieldPerioperative Lead and PhD Candidate at Monash Nursing and Midwifery

Erin is a PhD Candidate, holding a Master of Nursing (research), and post Graduate certificates in Perioperative Nursing and Clinical Simulation. She leads the perioperative nursing stream in the Master of Nursing program at Monash University. Erin is a passionate educator, and is very honoured to be empowering the next generation of perioperative leaders. Her professional interests include research, simulation, and creating novel, engaging classroom activities. She recently completed three years of service to the Victorian Perioperative Nurses' Group as the Editor of Snippets magazine, and is now volunteering with the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses, on the Standards Working Party. Erin is currently enjoying her first perioperative textbook editorship experience.

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