Featured in Foodservice
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Meet the expert...

Dean Kimpton

Chief Executive Officer at Auckland Transport

Dean Kimpton

Dean is the Auckland Transport Chief Executive. Since being appointed in April 2023, Dean has made a commitment to drive transformative change in the transport landscape of New Zealand's largest city. Prior to this he has held a range of executive roles including Tuhura Partners – an advisory business to infrastructure owners and government, Chief Operating Officer for Auckland Council, and prior to that Managing Director for AECOM NZ. Alongside these executive roles he has held a number of governance positions including independent board member for the NZ Upgrade Programme, independent chair of the Eastern Busway Alliance, independent chair of the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Programme, independent chair for Auckland Councils response to the Americas Cup 36th defence, President of Engineering NZ, former board member of Infrastructure NZ and the trustee for the Parenting Place charity.

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